This is a band practice workshop that centers around writing one pagers. You’ll be using different cards to create a silly scenario. You’ll then have 15 minutes to write a quick One Pager for that scenario.
What’s in a one pager
Context for the scenario. Why are we doing this?
How should I think about this problem? How do I frame it?
The framing should help people think about what the MVP. The reader should have an idea of what an MVP would look like and how would you measure success.
You’ll need
Card set with a list of
Business objectives
Everyone to bring their laptops
Tables for people to put their laptops on
About 5 product managers
An hour of everyone’s time
Scenario template:
[Company] has to [business objective] [because reason]
Southwest Airlines has to build a VR headset to make their platform stickier
DuoLingo has to start a video streaming service to re-engage churned customers
Apple Watch team has to add a new subscription service because their CEO said so
Let’s get going
From your card set, draw 1 company, 5 business objectives and 1 reason.
Read out the scenario with all 5 possible business objectives.
Each person has to pick 1 of the 5 business objectives to write a compelling 1 pager
15 minute timer starts and everyone writes a 1 pager explaining and advocating for their scenario.
Spend 15 min sharing and peer assessing 1 pagers (See discussion section)
Give another 15 min to revise and add to your 1 pager.
Spend 5-10 min discussing latest revisions
Share and Discuss
Discuss interesting points that came out of both rounds.
How did you pick the business objective?
Did anyone find a compelling justification for an especially silly scenarios?
What was your 1 pager structure or template?
Did anyone make up believable data or background?
Game Mechanics
You cannot contradict the outline of your scenario, but you can add to it
You can guestimate data and numbers, but show your (very rough) math and assumptions (It can be very rough and consultanty)
You can totally add charts, diagrams, stock photos and other visuals
Remember you’re still at work
Card Set
Companies / Team
*For large companies such as Facebook, Apple, Microsoft and Google, pick a team within the company instead of the whole company.
Facebook Groups team
Gmail team
Apple Watch team
Southwest Airlines
Business Objectives
Build a VR headset
Start a video streaming service
Leverage Machine Learning
Enter the sharing economy
Launch a new mobile app
Compete with TikTok
Develop an AI chatbot
Build a self-driving car
Build a self-driving scooter
Compete with micromobility (electric scooters)
AI powered translations
Build snapchat filters
Leverage user-generated content
Build a fitness tracker
Add revenue via advertising
Add a freemium revenue stream
Add a subscription service
Because the CEO said so
To reduce costs
As part of their new vision
As part of their next big bet
To make their platform stickier
To reach new customers
To re-engage churned customers
To upsell existing users
To get a first-mover advantage
Because they acquired a new company
To expand team size
To increase ARR
To increase profit margins
To increase market share
To enter a new market
Because of regulation
To increase engagement
Hi DLU - some of the items you have listed under 'Biz Obj' are features, & not biz objectives.